Clearly, this Government has no vision for Rural development- Sampson Ahi.

 Member of Parliament for sefwi Bodi constituency in the Western North region, Hon. Sampson Ahi said, the government has no vision for rural development.

After the speech of road minister, the Dodi MP   noted that, the roads in his constituency are deployable and left unconcerned.

Hon. Sampson Ahi stressed that, failure of payment to the contractors, the constructing roads have left without continuity and had abandoned.

"The roads minister said, the roads will be giving to new contractor to sure it's motorable and will develop to the intuinious level. All this roads have been awarded to cocoabod.The contractors are not to be question on these roads and have abandoned the site because of the late payment", he quoted.

Hon. Sampson Ahi added that, there is no hope for the construction of the road in the constituency because the road minister did not answer the continuity question associated  to make the road motorable.
