One arrests, leading to recent robbery in Akraman and it environs

At least one suspected person has been arrested leading to a recent robbery in Akramaman and its environs in GA- West municipality of the Greater Accra region.

Residents of Akramaman, Okushibeade, Yawoma, and Adryman have experienced a high rate of arm robbery, stealing, rape, and many attacks within the last 3 months.

The suspect, Yaw Power, age 27 on 7th November, 2023 arrested by Sokpa boys around 10:00am while attempting to steal a screen TV 32 inches.

Madam Afia, a provision store operator at Ardeyman, a victim spoke with an FPC GH News reporter; " On 29th October, 2023 Sunday, I went to church exactly 9:00 am before I came home, my bathroom window was broken, TV, money amounted to GHC 10,000 was stolen".

She continues that, thanks be to God that, Sokpa boys have arrested one suspect.

Another eyewitness said a woman was attacked around 10:00pm while she was going home. Her bag was packed with GHC 600.

The suspect was handed over to Amasaman Police custody and investigations are being conducted.
