The last budget for the second term of this government - Hellen Adjoa Ntoso.

 Member of Parliament for Krachi West constituency in Oti region, Hon. Hellen Adjoa Ntoso said the coming budget reading will be the last budget for the NPP government.

The budget should be a budget for the well-being of the people of this country and should include all sectors towards next year.

Hon. Hellen Adjoa Ntoso pointed out that, after the approval of the budget, the finance minister should release and disburse funds to various sectors for acceleration of development.

" What I don't understand is that some sectors complained about not getting their funds to round administration, which means the disbursement of the money is being delayed", she noted.

"Any time MP is being questioned of abandoned projects, the MP will tell you that, there is no fund for such project, payment and equipments", she stated.

Hon. Ntoso added that, since next year is an election year, the budget should not focus on campaigning.
