Tribal Politics is in Ghana Politics- Alex Ntim

 Mr. Alex Ntim has expressed his opinion that Tribal Politics has been in Ghana's Politics since the fourth republic.

Mr. Alex Ntim's opinion comes after Dr. Ibn Chambas aired that, politics is not tribal.  In Ghana and especially in Africa, tribal politics cannot develop and improve the lives of the people in the country.

He emphasizes that in Ghana's partisan politics, there is tribal politics because most of the political parties' vice presidents are from other tribes while the president is also from a different tribe.

"Tribal Politics is in Ghana Politics and we can't do away with it. I support Dr. Ibn Chambas because if tribal politics continue in this way, the development and improvement of the country delayed, some presidents are not competent and this can lead to divisions in the country ", he stated.

"If we don't want to practice tribal and religious politics, we should state it in the constitution", he added.

Mr. Alex Ntim continues that, the Parliament can do constitutional amendment if tribal politics is not good for the nation.
