We need approve U- turn on the road - Rev. Samuel Agyeman.

 The spokesperson for the advocate group, Reverend Doctor Samuel Nana Agyeman has appealed to the government and minister for roads and highways that, they need approved U-turn on Suhum to Nsawam roads in the Eastern region.

There is no U-turn on Suhum to Nsawam road especially Akraman and the new Sekyikrom junction, the only U-turn on the road is at the signboard.

Reverend Samuel indicates that only this year, the cases of accidents that have been recorded on this particular junction are alarming.

"The cars from Suhum and Nsawam trying to make U-turns always got accidents and our people are dying, others also are in critical condition. Students, workers, motorbike riders, have been buried because of this place", he stated.

"A car knocked one head pastor's wife to death after sending her children to school. The cases of these accidents are becoming worse and we need urgent action to fix this problem", he added.

Therefore, the advocate group is appealing to the government to work on immediate effect to protect the lives of the people.
