Akramaman Liberty Congregation Celebrates Rich Cultural Heritage in Traditional Sunday Service.

Akramaman liberty congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in the Amasaman district of the GA West Municipality of Greater Accra region vibrated with a joyous celebration of cultural heritage during their Traditional Sunday service. The service was a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and textures, as congregants donned an array of traditional Ghanaian attire, reflecting the country's rich tapestry of ethnicities and customs.

Kente, batakari, fugu, Kaba, and slit dresses were just some of the stunning garments on display, each piece whispering tales of generations past and carrying the weight of ancestral pride. The air thrummed with the rhythmic beat of drums and the melodious voices of the choir, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Reverend Ofosu Gyeabour Adarkwaa, delivering the sermon "Repent and believe in the good news," called upon the congregation to acknowledge their shortcomings and embrace the transformative power of faith. He emphasized that repentance and belief in the gospel message are the cornerstones of spiritual growth and personal salvation.

"A traditional service," Rev. Adarkwaa explained, "is more than just a celebration of our cultural heritage. It reminds us of the values and principles that have sustained our communities for centuries. It is a testament to the power of togetherness and the importance of preserving our unique identity."

Nii Oshikpi Teiko Aduemi the second, a member of the Akramaman traditional counsel, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the crucial role Traditional Service plays in fostering a sense of unity and development within the community. 

He passionately appealed to the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to prioritize the construction of a Junior High School and a Senior High School in the area, emphasizing the importance of education in empowering future generations.

The service culminated with church members sharing their personal experiences and perspectives on the significance of Traditional Services. Their heartfelt testimonies underscored the profound impact such celebrations have on strengthening individual faith, fostering community bonds, and safeguarding the rich cultural heritage of Ghana.
