Ayensuano District Cracks Down on Sand Winning with Temporary Ban.

Kraboa Coaltar, Eastern Region: In a decisive move to address environmental damage and community tensions, the Ayensuano District Assembly, in collaboration with the Ayensuano District Security Committee (DISEC), has imposed a temporary ban on all sand-winning activities within the district, effective immediately.

This action follows a meeting between district officials and the Ayensuano Sand Winners Association, where concerns over the negative impacts of unregulated sand winning reached a head. The Assembly cited blatant disregard for regulations, leading to farmland destruction and heightened community tensions, as key reasons for the ban.

District Chief Executive (DCE) Josephine Awuku Ansaa Inkoom, speaking to GBC News, highlighted the issue's severity. "Sand winning has become a major headache for our Assembly," she stated, emphasizing the security threat posed to residents, particularly landowners.

Despite repeated warnings, illegal sand extraction continued unabated, prompting the Assembly's decisive action. "This moratorium will allow us to reorganize the activity properly, safeguarding the environment, fostering community harmony, and maintaining the district's relative peace," explained Inkoom.

The temporary ban also aims to protect lives and property, as Ansaa Inkoom pointed out. "The need for the Assembly and DISEC to take immediate action to protect both the environment and people in the district has become a crucial priority."

The extent of the ban and the timeline for its lifting remain unspecified, with officials suggesting the focus lies on establishing effective regulations and addressing existing environmental damage. Residents and sand-winning operators can expect further communication from the Assembly in due course.

This swift action by the Ayensuano District Assembly sends a clear message: unregulated sand extraction will not be tolerated. The temporary ban provides an opportunity for a comprehensive review and implementation of responsible practices that prioritize environmental protection and community well-being.
