Bushfires Ravage ECG Infrastructure in Volta and Oti Regions, Costing Over GHC1.3 Million in 2023.

 Unchecked bushfires continue to wreak havoc on Ghana's infrastructure, with the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) incurring significant losses in the Volta and Oti regions. According to the Volta Regional General Manager, Mrs. Christina Jatoe-Kaleo, ECG spent over GHC1.3 million in 2023 replacing electricity poles destroyed by bushfires.

"One of the major challenges that impact heavily on our ability to provide reliable and quality electricity supply is bushfires," Mrs. Jatoe-Kaleo stated in a recent interview. She further emphasized the financial burden placed on ECG by these incidents, highlighting the destruction of poles as a major setback to maintaining a seamless power distribution network.

The rampant bush burning not only results in direct financial losses for ECG but also disrupts power supply for residents in affected areas. Damaged poles can lead to outages and delays in repairs, causing inconvenience and impacting livelihoods.

Mrs. Jatoe-Kaleo has therefore made a strong appeal to the communities in the Volta and Oti regions to help protect ECG infrastructure. This includes actively combating bushfires, raising awareness about their dangers, and reporting any suspicious activity around electrical installations.

The call for community involvement emphasizes the crucial role citizens play in ensuring a reliable electricity supply. By working together to prevent bushfires and protect ECG infrastructure, communities can contribute to a more stable and efficient power network.
