Parliament passed LGBTQ+ Bill.

 Ghana's parliament has passed a controversial bill significantly restricting LGBTQ+ rights and imposing harsh penalties on both LGBTQ+ individuals and those who support them. The bill could lead to prison sentences of over a decade.

The legislation, initially introduced three years ago, criminalizes LGBTQ+ identity, advocacy, funding of LGBTQ+-related activities, and public displays of affection. Lawmaker Sam George, a sponsor of the bill, expressed relief after its passage, stating, "(I) feel like a burden has been taken from me."

President Nana Akufo-Addo is now expected to sign the bill into law.

Ghana, though generally viewed as more progressive on human rights issues than other African nations, has faced widespread backlash over this move.  Human rights groups and international figures have condemned the bill as a severe violation of fundamental human rights.

A coalition of Ghanaian activists stated, "This bill seeks to infringe on, among others, the rights to dignity, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom to partake in processions, academic freedom, equality and non-discrimination."

Defenders of the bill argue it's necessary for the protection of children and abuse victims. They claim to have consulted with influential religious figures during the drafting process, gaining support from organizations like  the Christian Council of Ghana, the Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference, and the country's chief imam.
