Rev. Kwame Ofosu Gyeabour Adarkwaa Inducted as First Minister at Akramaman Liberty Congregation.

Rev. Kwame Ofosu Gyeabour Adarkwaa was inducted as the first minister into office at the Akramaman Liberty Congregation in Amasaman district, GA-West Municipality, Greater Accra Region.

The induction service, themed "It is good that you are here," was officiated by the Amasaman district minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Micheal Ofosu Yeboah.

Rev. Yeboah Praises Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa's Work

Rev. Yeboah spoke highly of Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa's past accomplishments, stating, "I can testify to the good work of Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa. I know all the great works he has done in the past, I know what he did when he was at Tantra Hills, Living Bread Congregation, and other congregations." 

He encouraged Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa to maintain his dedication, saying, "You need the spirit of discernment moment by moment concerning the word of God and the church as he has entrusted into your hand."

Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa Shares Vision for Liberty Congregation

In his acceptance speech, Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa outlined his vision for the Liberty Congregation, focusing on four key areas:

Numerical Strength (Evangelism): He emphasized the importance of growing the congregation's membership through evangelism efforts.

Physical Development: He expressed his desire to see the physical infrastructure of the church improve.

Financial Development: He highlighted the need for sound financial management to support the church's activities.

Benefits of Sowing Seeds: He encouraged members to practice faithful giving and emphasized the blessings that come from doing so.

Call to Support Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa

Rev. Gyeabour Adarkwaa concluded his speech by appealing to the Liberty Congregation and the entire district for their support. He urged them to have faith in the Lord and work together with commitment, determination, and hard work to make Liberty Congregation one of the strongest in the district.
