Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II: I have no regrets about becoming a member of Freemasonry.

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has marked 25 years of membership in Freemasonry, expressing no regrets and emphasizing his commitment to promoting peace and benefiting Ghanaian citizens through the organization. 

As the Grand Patron of the Grand Lodge of Ghana, he reflected on initial uncertainties and the impact of Freemasonry, stating, "I have no regrets on being a Freemason, experiencing what it unfolds and what it means to be called a Freemason."

Looking forward, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II emphasized the importance of dedicated members providing relief to the needy and upholding truthfulness. He encouraged the Grand Lodge to expand its influence beyond current areas and reach new regions, promoting Freemasonry as a way of life with over four million members worldwide.

In Ghana, the Grand Lodge of Ghana, established in 2009, has over 1000 members. Despite misconceptions about occultism and evil practices, the Grand Lodge clarified that its primary purpose is to serve and make the world a better place for humanity. Members emphasized that Freemasonry does not possess special powers, secret gods, or provide wealth, power, or fame, but rather promotes decent and respectable values.

The Asantehene's commitment to Freemasonry and community service sets an example for promoting peace and benefiting society, encouraging others to join the organization and make a positive impact.
