MP Mahama Ayariga Slams Anti-Corruption Institutions for Ineffectiveness_

The Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga, has expressed his disappointment and loss of confidence in Ghana's anti-corruption institutions, citing their inaction and ineffectiveness under the Akufo-Addo administration.

According to Ayariga, he has reported several corruption cases to these institutions, including the Office of the Special Prosecutor and the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), but none have made any significant progress. He specifically mentioned a case involving the Bank of Ghana building and price adjustments, which he submitted to the Office of the Special Prosecutor months ago, but has yet to receive any updates.

Ayariga believes that the government has "immobilised" these institutions, rendering them powerless in fighting corruption. He expressed frustration that even if he were to report a case to EOCO, no one would pay attention to him. He accused the government of not being interested in fighting corruption, and instead, undermining the efforts of citizens who try to do so.

This criticism raises concerns about the effectiveness of Ghana's anti-corruption institutions and the government's commitment to fighting corruption.

Credit: Joy Online.
