India Battles Longest Heatwave on Record, Death Toll Rises

India is grappling with its longest heatwave in history, with temperatures soaring above 50C in some areas. The eastern state of Odisha has reported eight deaths in the past 72 hours, adding to the overall toll.



According to official figures, 60 people died between March and May due to heat-related illnesses, but the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting in rural areas.

Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), stated: "This has been the longest spell because it has been experienced for about 24 days in different parts of the country." He also warned: "Heatwaves will be more frequent, durable, and intense if precautionary or preventive measures are not taken."

The heatwave has disrupted lives across the country, with extreme temperatures persisting in northern India since mid-May. Water shortages have also affected some areas, exacerbating the situation. The monsoon season, which began in Kerala on May 30, is expected to bring relief as it spreads to northern India in the coming days.
