Bawumia Vows to Campaign on Issues, Not Insults_

Vice President and NPP presidential candidate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has pledged to focus his campaign on issues affecting Ghanaians, rather than resorting to insults. 

This commitment came in response to advice from Wa Naa Fuseini Seidu Pelpuo IV, the Overlord of Wa, during a courtesy call at his palace in Wa, marking the start of Dr. Bawumia's two-day campaign tour of the Upper West Region.

Dr. Bawumia emphasized that his campaign has centered on policy and program discussions since its inception two weeks ago. He highlighted the success of the free Senior High School policy, which has led to a decrease in housemaids in Accra, as many underprivileged young girls now have access to education.

In a lighthearted moment, Dr. Bawumia affectionately referred to his main opponent, John Mahama, as his "senior brother," acknowledging Mahama's prior presidency. He humorously suggested that if the presidency is "coming home" to the North, it would be beneficial to have a Northerner like himself lead for eight years, rather than four.

The Wa Naa, in his statement, urged all presidential candidates to prioritize policy-focused campaigns, free from insults, to improve the living and economic standards of Ghanaians. Dr. Bawumia assured the Overlord and Ghanaians that his campaign will continue to emphasize issues and solutions, rather than resorting to personal attacks.
